New Investment Philosophy – coming soon

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We are constantly looking at what we do for our clients to see how we can make it better. We have been doing a lot of research recently into our investment philosophy.

We love the part that EQ Investors play as they are super green. They are 20% of all of our portfolios and they invest in solutions to social and environmental problems and to actively engage for change towards a more sustainable world 💚.

The other 80% is invested in global trackers that include thousands of companies, and include the “evil” ones, such as oil, tobacco, gambling, weapons, and those that do not care about their environmental impact or how they treat their staff at all. This doesn’t sit well with us here at Blueberry, so we are changing this part.

To help us do this, we are going to partner with ebi.

ebi follow a similar investment philosophy to our current portfolios but are evolved in some key areas.

They integrate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations into their portfolio management, they have access to ‘lower cost share classes’ of funds due to their buying power (so their charges are effectively cancelled out), and they use factor tilts to make the most of evidence based financial research.

In short, they are doing what our current Dimensional and Vanguard funds are doing, but are light green by taking out the “evilest” companies, and they do the research to make sure that the funds they invest in are the best for their stated aims and change them if they find better ones.

So our portfolios will be 20% super green, high impact investing, and 80% light green.

In the New Year we will be sending out more information on these changes so you can read about it in more detail before you agree to switch your portfolio over.